The MSEA facilitates community involvement in schools because parents and concerned citizens are the heart of any school system.
Emailinfo@kocoonline.orgPhone(773) 548-7500
KOCO created the Mid South Education Association (MSEA) with the help of local school council members, parents, educators, and youth in order to ensure equitable educational opportunities for children in the Mid South area of Chicago. The MSEA facilitates community involvement in schools by providing trainings for local school councils and parent advisory councils, and addresses critical education issues, such as school closings and devolution of community input in the school environment.
Local School Councils (LSCs) in the Mid South area were galvanized in opposition to the “Mid South Plan” and Renaissance 2010, which proposed the closure of 20 of 22 area schools. The organization of the LSCs and concerned residents saved nearly all of the proposed schools from being closed. KOCO was also the convening group for the Chicago Local School Council Task Force, which developed HJR0071, a resolution sponsored by Illinois State Representative Esther Golar to strengthen LSCs and convene subject matter hearings regarding support for LSCs. LSCs are the democratically-elected decision-making body for Illinois public schools.